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Extra arguments

There will be a time when you want to pass extra arguments to your modules such as your own library or a set of packages. This is possible with by adding attributes to config._module.args.


This mechanism is currently only documented in the module system code, and that documentation is incomplete and out of date.

In our options.nix file, we declare a greeting option that will take name and create a greeting using cowsay. But pkgs is not normally supplied automatically by the module system. We can fix that later in our eval.nix file.

}: let
  cfg = config;
in {
  options = {
    name = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.str;
    greeting = lib.mkOption {
      type = lib.types.package;

  config = {
    greeting = let
      greet-name = pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        name = "greeting";
        runtimeInputs = [pkgs.cowsay];
        text = ''
          cowsay Hello ${}!
        echo '```' > $out
        ${greet-name}/bin/greeting >> $out
        echo '```' >> $out

In our config.nix we define our name per usual.

{...}: {
  config = {
    name = "Boaty McBoatface";

Setup an eval.nix to evaluate our modules and return the config.greeting attribute. However notice that we have included element in our modules list: ({...}: {config._module.args = {inherit pkgs;};}). This is where and how we provide a instance of nixpkgs to our modules.

  nixpkgs ?
    builtins.fetchTarball {
      url = "";
      sha256 = "1gkm7r07aqiyfgr32bzjmhvgsd543m2g3m43janmb6z1hz17ks1n";
  pkgs ? import nixpkgs {},
  pkgs.lib.evalModules {
    modules = [
      ({...}: {config._module.args = {inherit pkgs;};})

Create a run script to build the eval.nix file.
nix build -f eval.nix

And if we run the script (./, we have our greeting in result.

< Hello Boaty McBoatface! >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||